If you’ve been seeing a lot of buns lately and also want to achieve such a simple and stunning style, these hair tips are for you!
While it might seem simple enough, you are after all only pulling your locks on top of your head; a bun does require a few tips and tricks in order for you to create a successful look. Keep reading to find out what they are…
Bun Hairstyle Tips
- The key to a great bun hairstyle is ensuring your ‘do will hold its shape. For that, you need to style with day old hair. If you have washed your hair the day you want to style a bun, however, you can cheat a little and use dry hair shampoo to add texture and grip to your locks.
- Don’t pull your hair back too tight. It will tighten the skin around your face, and unless you want to look like you’ve just had a face-lift, it’s not a great look.
- Hair gel is the ideal bun forming hair styling product because it has plenty of hold and really helps to slick your hair back. Just don’t go overboard with it or you’ll end up looking like you’ve dipped your locks into a vat of oil.
- Keep a spray bottle filled with water on hand to spritz over your locks when you’re pulling them into place. It will help keep all of your strands together and make them easier to mould. The water will then dry, leaving your strands with a natural finish.
- If you have fine hair, or need some extra oomph for your locks, add clip in hair extensions, braids, bun enhancers or tease your locks to inject the type of volume and thickness required to create a nice, full finish for your bun.
- Using hair pins is a great way to keep your bun in place and won’t show any tell-tale hair accessory signs like a hair elastic will. To make your pin placement extra strong, crisscross two pins together like an “X”. Need even more grip? Spray each pin with a spritz of hairspray before sliding them into your strands.
- If you want your bun to be the only part of your ‘do that looks messy, cover a small natural bristle hair brush or clean mascara wand in hairspray and then smooth through the locks around your ears, the nape of your neck and your forehead (if you don’t have bangs). This will put any stray strands back into place.
- For a bun that stands out, or if you plan on wearing your bun for a special occasion, using decorative pins, flowers, chopsticks, headbands and other colorful hair accessories to liven up your ‘do and finish off your look is the only way to go!