The barberless chick in red....

so i'm on the look out for a new barbers. in general barber shop's have no respect for there female clients, my ex barber is just pushed me too far!! so untill i find a new barber that is good and respectful i'll be rocking  aTWA I guess i'll see how long i can last before i cave and buy my own set of clippers or i maybe just grow it out...again....god i don't know!! i don't really care grow it shave it whatever!!

for now i'm barberless and have 2 weeks of fluff
usual length 2 weeks ago

on another note red lipstick: estee lauder in rich red
red ring: £3 Dorothy perkins
simple band rings: £3.99 for set of four
necklace: primark (who know how much probably 2p or something!)

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